Stay Ahead of Scammers

Protect Your Clients from Financial Fraud

Be the first to offer the UK's groundbreaking insurance policy that shields your clients from devastating financial fraud during high-value online transactions like home purchases and luxury car sales.
Stand out from the competition and provide unmatched peace of mind.

Real Stories, Real Impact

Sylvia Wilson lost £300,000

Sylvia Wilson, a grandmother, was devastated after losing her life savings of over £300,000 in a property purchase scam. Hackers intercepted her emails with her solicitor and tricked her into transferring the funds to a fraudulent account. It wasn't until she arrived at the estate agent's office to collect her new home's keys that she realized something was wrong.

Despite initial refusals from the banks involved, Wilson eventually recovered her money after Guardian Money intervened. Her story highlights the critical need for greater awareness and protection against these sophisticated scams.

Real Stories, Real Impact

Mary Smith lost £60,000

Mary Smith, a London-based marketing professional, fell victim to a conveyancing fraud scam, losing £60,000. Hackers intercepted email communications between her and her solicitor during the purchase of a home, spoofing the solicitor's email address and tricking her into sending the deposit to a fraudulent account. Despite quick action, only £14,000 was recovered.

The incident left Smith £46,000 out of pocket, forcing her to use savings meant for home renovations to complete the purchase. This case highlights the importance of verifying financial details through secure methods rather than relying solely on email.

Partner with Us

Don’t miss out on offering unparalleled protection to your clients. Join our exclusive beta list today and discover how you can safeguard your clients while earning with our new 10% commission on every policy sold.

The Growing Threat in the UK

In 2023, financial fraud in the UK hit a staggering £1 billion. Sophisticated scammers are targeting your clients' biggest purchases. Can you afford not to protect them?

29% Rise in Fraud

Lloyds Bank reports a 29% increase in conveyancing fraud where scammers impersonate solicitors to steal house deposits.

Average Loss of £47k

Victims lose an average of approximately £47,000 per scam and this figure is likely to go up.

45% of Victims Under 40

First-time buyers are particularly vulnerable, with nearly half of the victims being 39 years old or younger.

Voice Cloning in Financial Fraud

Scammers now use AI to clone voices, impersonating solicitors and tricking clients into making fraudulent payments. This technology is readily available and poses a severe threat to your clients' financial security.

Stay ahead of the curve. Offer cutting-edge protection against these sophisticated scams.

Tailored Protection

Insure Large Purchases

Our new insurance policy is specifically designed to safeguard clients making significant purchases. With rising fraud rates and sophisticated tactics, it’s essential to offer robust protection.

Crucial Regulatory Changes Ahead


Starting next year, banks and payment service providers will be required to reimburse victims of APP scams. The current cap is £415,000, but there are ongoing efforts to reduce this to £85,000, potentially leaving victims with substantial losses.

While most major banks currently participate in a voluntary scheme, the new mandatory scheme aims to provide more comprehensive protection.

AI-Powered Fraud: A Growing Threat

  1. 42% of Financial Fraud Cases Involve AI: Fraudsters are using advanced technologies to commit crimes.

  1. 29% of AI-Driven Fraud Attempts Are Successful: The success rate of fraud attempts involving AI is alarmingly high.

Be a Pioneer in
Client Protection

Fidivo, in partnership with top UK insurers, has created a groundbreaking insurance product to shield your clients from financial fraud during major online transactions.

Exclusive Opportunity for your firm:

  • Be among the first to offer this innovative protection
  • Gain a significant competitive advantage
  • Demonstrate your commitment to client security

2024 Fidivo. All rights reserved. Protect your clients today.